How is CEDR's Mediator Skills Training course structured?
Our Mediator Skills Training course runs over 5-days.
During the first two days of the course, our experienced trainers will guide you through the process and stages of mediation. Through demonstrations and practice sessions, you will explore the necessary skills to become an effective mediator. Days four and five are dedicated to assessment, where each participant will have the opportunity to mediate a mock case. You will be assessed against specific criteria by a different trainer on each day. Successfully completing these assessments will lead to your CEDR Accreditation.
Pre Course
Before you start the course, prepare by reading the CEDR handbook and useful resources on the CEDR Virtual Campus.
Day 1: Teaching & Practice Day
We start with theory, process, and key skills in the early phases of mediation. Sessions include: phases of mediation, preparation, mediator opening, what and how to explore, active listening skills, and managing emotions.
Day 2: Teaching & Practice Day
This covers theory, process, and key skills in the later phases of mediation; bargaining and concluding. Sessions include: managing offers, negotiation skills, dealing with deadlock, reality testing, and ethics.
Day 3: Coaching & Practice Day
Day three is a Practice day, where one case will be mediated throughout the day in groups with a coach present to offer guidance and feedback during the role play. Each participant receives extensive coaching, plus 1-2-1 feedback.
Day 4: 1st Assessment Day
Practical assessment, with every participant mediating once and with more 1-2-1 feedback. Cases focus on the earlier phases of mediation.
Day 5: 2nd Assessment Day
Practical assessment, with every participant, again mediating once and further 1-2-1 feedback. We look at three cases, focusing on the middle and later phases of mediation.
To view the schedule of all our upcoming courses, including availability and pricing details, please visit this link.