Why Psychological Safety?
“The belief that one will not be punished or humiliated for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns, or mistakes, and that the team is safe for interpersonal risk taking.” – Amy Edmonson, 1999
The challenge is that psychological safety emerges at a team level, where everyone, not just the manager or leader is responsible for creating and maintaining it.
That being said, the manager can take a leading role in establishing behaviours within meetings that encourage greater involvement and contribution.
Here are 6 simple and practical tips to get started.
1. Notice
Try and notice the signs of discomfort overriding interpersonal risk-taking such as silence when you specifically ask for input on a problem or idea. Less obvious ones can be consistent casual nodding in agreement.
This is especially important in virtual meetings where it is even easier to hide behind a closed camera.
2. Voice
Voice what the interpersonal risk might be that is making the team member(s) reluctant to speak up.
For example, "I know you have only just joined the team and might not want to question the recommendations of the report, but your views right now are critical."
Do this privately if you feel the discomfort may be made worse if done publicly.
3. Request Another Idea
Having got input from the team or an individual, consciously look for others to contribute.
For example, "Mandeep, what do you think would happen if we chose to market this through another channel?"
Even more simply, you could just ask for input or thoughts from others on an existing idea.
4. Show Curiosity
Show personal curiosity about a new idea or contribution by reflecting on it out loud, even if it doesn't make sense to you yet.
Feel free to demonstrate your own vulnerability here and it will encourage others to do the same.
5. Thank
Actively thank those who speak up and do it regularly, particularly with those who have historically been quiet or are new to the team.
6. Ask
Ask if there is anyone else who can build on what was shared before.
A useful phrase here is, "Is there something else anyone would like to add?"
Studies have shown using the word something instead of anything encourages contributions as the latter is associated with the end of meetings and wrapping the the conversation up. The former subtly suggests you expecting something else to be said.